The Crouse AutoBody Team of Excellence
We're an I-CAR Gold Class Shop
What is the Gold Class Designation?
Businesses that earn Gold Class status are proud of their accomplishment and will typically display the Gold Class logo prominently in their shop and on their website to help you identify them as highly trained repair facilities.
As vehicles incorporate more and more new materials and new technologies, current training has become increasingly important for proper repairs. Gold Class shops are trained to know:
- How to make the right decision for a safe repair
- How to find hidden damage others may not see
- The latest repair procedures and technologies
- Which parts to repair and which to replace
Have any questions? Call us!
It's You're Choice - Make It Crouse!
What you need to know after the accident...
“Maryland law prohibits an insurer or an adjuster from requiring that a certain repair shop be used or from recommending a particular shop without notifying the claimant or the insured that their vehicle may be repaired by the auto shop of their choice.”
Excerpt from A Consumer Guide to Auto Insurance distributed by the Maryland Insurance Administration:
If you are a claimant you are entitled to a rental car. You may have to ask for it in some cases. If you are involved in an uninsured motorist claim you may only have a $250 deductible and you may be entitled to a rental car.

If you have questions or concerns about how an insurance company is treating you contact the:
Insurance Commission of Maryland
525 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202
Attn: Property & Casualty Compliant Center
Phone # 1-800-492-6116
Fax # 1-410-468-2334